Bifoba: Global President Periodic Briefing – October 2016
My Dear Brothers,
Peace of the Lord be with you today and always. This is my briefing to you on the activities of our Association from the 14th of September 2016 (the date of my last letter) to today, October 20, 2016. Please do me a favour. Forward this mail to members of your set or other Bifoba members whose e–mail addresses are available to you. Be informed also that the main reason of this briefing is to keep you abreast of your Association’s activities within the period under focus and to provide you with an opportunity to contribute your ideas to the running of our dear Association.
1.01. Our mandatory monthly General Meeting was held on Sunday, October 9, 2016 inside our Auditorium. I use this opportunity to thank all the members who attended the meeting. Attendance was not encouraging at all. I plead with members to kindly find time to attend our statutory meetings so as to fellowship with other Old Boys and to contribute ideas towards the running of the Association. I like to repeat what I said in my last briefing – you do not have to attend twelve meetings of the year. However, I am sure that with determination, you can attend either six (6) or four (4) meetings out of the twelve meetings prescribed under the constitution. Please let us make the effort. I also want to congratulate those whose birthday fell in the month of October who were celebrated during the meeting. Once again I say, “Happy birthday to you all, long life and prosperity”. I urge all members whose birthday falls in the month of November to please confirm by return mail either to me on this e –mail address or to the Welfare Officer Mr. Lanre Hassan on 0802537550 to enable us plan for you.
2.01. Gentlemen, I am very happy to report that the 1972 Set responded to my call which was contained in paragraph 5.0 of my last briefing. The distinguished set donated to us the sum of N1, 437, 03 to cover the supply and installation of Powder Coated Aluminium Casement Window Glazed with 5mm thick clear glass with subframe (5 of them), with the size of 1500×1700mm high, and another five windows with size 1500×750m and double swing door with 2 side fixed glazed with 10mm thick clear glass size 2200×2400mm high.
2.02. This means that the windows and door on the right side of the Auditorium have now been taken care of by the 1972 set. Contract for the production and fixing of the windows and door was awarded on Wednesday October 19, 2016. By the time we attend our General Meeting for November, the contract would have been executed. On your behalf, I hereby thank our 1972 set very profusely for this kind gesture. May the Lord continue to bless you all.
3.01. A lot of sets and individual members have been calling me and requesting for a more understanding breakdown of the different segments of the Auditorium and their cost implications. By popular demand and further to my promise, please find as attached, the breakdown of the further works in form of the windows and the doors of the completed parts of our Auditorium. They have been broken down as follows.
(1) Left side of the Auditorium from the entrance N 1, 461,868.70
(2) Right side of the Auditorium from the entrance
(Gone, Courtesy 1972 Set) N 1, 461, 868.70
(3) Back side of the Auditorium i.e. the side facing
the entrance N 2, 486, 294.60
(4) Round house 1 – i.e. the first round house from
The Mushin gate N 2, 458, 591.00
(5) Round house 2 – i.e. the 2nd round house from
Mushin gate N 2, 458, 591.00
3.02. After the windows and the doors, we shall move on to other items. I am confident that so long as our Redeemer liveth, we shall complete our Auditorium to the Glory of God. Items nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5 are still available please. You can take 100% or 50% or share with other sets.
4.01. I congratulate all the Sets that held their meetings within the period under focus. I hope that members read my goodwill message which was posted on our Bifoba Global Platform on Sunday, October 16, 2016. I hereby encourage sets to take their set meetings seriously. Those sets who are yet to inaugurate their set meetings should please do so urgently. I am aware that up to four sets held their meetings on Sunday, the 16th of October 2016. I hope that my goodwill message guided you in your deliberations.
I was able to personally attend the inaugural meeting of 1987 set which was held all the way at Abraham Adesanya Estate, Ajah. I thank members for the warm reception accorded to me. I hope that now that I have sent the comprehensive breakdown of the glasses and doors and the cost implications, you will be guided accordingly. Congratulations and welcome on board.
I instructed the V.P Government, Mr. Dada Ajai – Ikhile to attend the 1992 set meeting which was also held on the 16th instant. I have been given a feed back and I want to particularly thank this young set for their interest in the development of a football field for our Alma Mater. May God in His Infinite Mercy strengthen you and make it possible for you to accomplish this your lofty desire. I love you all. Thank you.
5.01. I hereby plead with sets who are yet to have platforms to please do so. It makes communication easier. Please hook me up to your platforms with my phone no. 07080378023. I advise that members should please visit the Bifoba Global Whatsapp Platform for information regarding our Association. Members should also contribute meaningfully to the Platform. For more details on the Bifoba Global Platform please contact the Publicity Secretary, Mr. Olise – Nwachukwu on 08023469613.
6.01. Our Founders Day comes up on the 6th of February 2017. It is our practice to commemorate this day. Details of celebration will be forwarded to you by the Publicity Secretary. However, I hereby remind our members who created endowments to get prepared to do the needful. The General Secretary will soon get to you to refresh your memory about what is required of you. In the mean time, please keep the 6th of February 2017 free to celebrate with our students and to personally present your awards.
7.00. HOME-COMING 2017
7.01. Our Home Coming 2017 will hold on April 29, 2017. Exco has graciously pegged dinner fees once again despite the galloping inflation at N10, 000.00 only. There will be no room for gate crashing this time. Every member must pay his dinner fees. This N10, 000.00 covers a member and his spouse (female please). I plead with you to start to plan for the Home Coming now. You are allowed to pay instalmentally. Kindly pay into our A/C No: 10102215457. Our Bankers remain Zenith Bank Plc. After payment, please call Mr. Bayo Bakare, the Treasurer on 08023138869 and report payment so that your payment will be properly captured. We need money to be paid in advance to enable us plan the event.
8.01. Please refer to my briefing on the above during my September briefing. You can find the briefing on paragraph 9.00 of my briefing dated September 14, 2016. By the Grace of God, this scheme will commence on the 1st of November 2016. You still have two weeks to join. Please do so.
9.01. Gentlemen, the 6th month of the BIFOBA CALENDAR is nearly over. Our calendar year runs from May to April. I can count on my finger tips how many members have paid their dues. No Association can survive without money. I beg of you to please pay your dues of N12, 000.00 only into our A/C with Zenith Bank A/c No: 1010228516. Upon payment, please inform the Treasurer, Mr. Bayo Bakare on 08023138869. Thank you.
10.01. Gentlemen, we are only just beginning to compile data of member’s month of birth. Please call us – 08023043967 (GP) 08025357550 (Mr. Lanre Hassan, (Welfare Officer) and confirm your birth month to enable us plan how to celebrate with you. Please do this for us. All members born in the month of November should please confirm to us accordingly at least a week before the General Meeting.
11.00. DVD OF HOME-COMING 2016
11.01. The DVD for Home Coming 2016 is ready as promised. It costs N 500.00 each. It was on sale during the October meeting and will also be on sale during the November 2016 General Meeting. Try and get a copy for yourself and buy for your set members please.
12.01. In keeping with our promise, our next lecture will be on PROSTRATE. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PROSTRATE. Our Dear Professor, David Adewale Oke, Professor of Cardiology, Chief Medical Director of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, has graciously agreed to educate us on this very important health condition. Attend our next General Meeting and avail yourself of the opportunity to educate yourself. Please tell others. Meeting starts at 3.30 pm prompt. Please take notice that if you are 40 years and above, it is in your best interest to attend and listen to this lecture. The Holy Bible tells us that “People perish for lack of knowledge” come and acquire knowledge.
13.01. Our Home Coming for 2017 will hold on Saturday, April 29, 2017. The celebrating sets are 1977, 1987 and 1992. These sets would be celebrating their 40th, 30th and 25th years of leaving Birch Freeman High School. I encourage each set to start serious preparations as to how they would like to celebrate. I also hereby put all members on notice of the event to enable you to start saving your gate – fee. Don’t be caught unawares.
14.01. Please refer to my briefing in respect of the above as contained in my briefing of September 14, 2016. I am still waiting for response please. Thank you.
15.01. My dear brothers, once again. I thank you for sparing the time to read this briefing. To encourage me, please let me know that you at least received this mail. All set chairmen are to please forward the briefing to their members. Thank you and God bless you all. See you at the next General Meeting and please accept the compliments of my best regards. Remain blessed.
I remain,
Yours Global President
Barr Kingsley Essien