Bifoba: Global President Periodic Briefing – October 2016





My Dear Brothers,

Peace of the Lord be with you today and always. This is my briefing to you on the activities of our Association from the 14th of September 2016 (the date of my last letter) to today, October 20, 2016. Please do me a favour. Forward this mail to members of your set or other Bifoba members whose e–mail addresses are available to you. Be informed also that the main reason of this briefing is to keep you abreast of your Association’s activities within the period under focus and to provide you with an opportunity to contribute your ideas to the running of our dear Association.


1.01. Our mandatory monthly General Meeting was held on Sunday, October 9, 2016 inside our Auditorium. I use this opportunity to thank all the members who attended the meeting. Attendance was not encouraging at all. I plead with members to kindly find time to attend our statutory meetings so as to fellowship with other Old Boys and to contribute ideas towards the running of the Association. I like to repeat what I said in my last briefing – you do not have to attend twelve meetings of the year. However, I am sure that with determination, you can attend either six (6) or four (4) meetings out of the twelve meetings prescribed under the constitution. Please let us make the effort. I also want to congratulate those whose birthday fell in the month of October who were celebrated during the meeting. Once again I say, “Happy birthday to you all, long life and prosperity”. I urge all members whose birthday falls in the month of November to please confirm by return mail either to me on this e –mail address or to the Welfare Officer Mr. Lanre Hassan on 0802537550 to enable us plan for you.


2.01. Gentlemen, I am very happy to report that the 1972 Set responded to my call which was contained in paragraph 5.0 of my last briefing. The distinguished set donated to us the sum of N1, 437, 03 to cover the supply and installation of Powder Coated Aluminium Casement Window Glazed with 5mm thick clear glass with subframe (5 of them), with the size of 1500×1700mm high, and another five windows with size 1500×750m and double swing door with 2 side fixed glazed with 10mm thick clear glass size 2200×2400mm high.

2.02. This means that the windows and door on the right side of the Auditorium have now been taken care of by the 1972 set. Contract for the production and fixing of the windows and door was awarded on Wednesday October 19, 2016. By the time we attend our General Meeting for November, the contract would have been executed. On your behalf, I hereby thank our 1972 set very profusely for this kind gesture. May the Lord continue to bless you all.


3.01. A lot of sets and individual members have been calling me and requesting for a more understanding breakdown of the different segments of the Auditorium and their cost implications. By popular demand and further to my promise, please find as attached, the breakdown of the further works in form of the windows and the doors of the completed parts of our Auditorium. They have been broken down as follows.

(1) Left side of the Auditorium from the entrance N 1, 461,868.70

(2) Right side of the Auditorium from the entrance
(Gone, Courtesy 1972 Set) N 1, 461, 868.70

(3) Back side of the Auditorium i.e. the side facing
the entrance N 2, 486, 294.60

(4) Round house 1 – i.e. the first round house from
The Mushin gate N 2, 458, 591.00

(5) Round house 2 – i.e. the 2nd round house from
Mushin gate N 2, 458, 591.00

3.02. After the windows and the doors, we shall move on to other items. I am confident that so long as our Redeemer liveth, we shall complete our Auditorium to the Glory of God. Items nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5 are still available please. You can take 100% or 50% or share with other sets.


4.01. I congratulate all the Sets that held their meetings within the period under focus. I hope that members read my goodwill message which was posted on our Bifoba Global Platform on Sunday, October 16, 2016. I hereby encourage sets to take their set meetings seriously. Those sets who are yet to inaugurate their set meetings should please do so urgently. I am aware that up to four sets held their meetings on Sunday, the 16th of October 2016. I hope that my goodwill message guided you in your deliberations.

I was able to personally attend the inaugural meeting of 1987 set which was held all the way at Abraham Adesanya Estate, Ajah. I thank members for the warm reception accorded to me. I hope that now that I have sent the comprehensive breakdown of the glasses and doors and the cost implications, you will be guided accordingly. Congratulations and welcome on board.

I instructed the V.P Government, Mr. Dada Ajai – Ikhile to attend the 1992 set meeting which was also held on the 16th instant. I have been given a feed back and I want to particularly thank this young set for their interest in the development of a football field for our Alma Mater. May God in His Infinite Mercy strengthen you and make it possible for you to accomplish this your lofty desire. I love you all. Thank you.


5.01. I hereby plead with sets who are yet to have platforms to please do so. It makes communication easier. Please hook me up to your platforms with my phone no. 07080378023. I advise that members should please visit the Bifoba Global Whatsapp Platform for information regarding our Association. Members should also contribute meaningfully to the Platform. For more details on the Bifoba Global Platform please contact the Publicity Secretary, Mr. Olise – Nwachukwu on 08023469613.


6.01. Our Founders Day comes up on the 6th of February 2017. It is our practice to commemorate this day. Details of celebration will be forwarded to you by the Publicity Secretary. However, I hereby remind our members who created endowments to get prepared to do the needful. The General Secretary will soon get to you to refresh your memory about what is required of you. In the mean time, please keep the 6th of February 2017 free to celebrate with our students and to personally present your awards.

7.00. HOME-COMING 2017

7.01. Our Home Coming 2017 will hold on April 29, 2017. Exco has graciously pegged dinner fees once again despite the galloping inflation at N10, 000.00 only. There will be no room for gate crashing this time. Every member must pay his dinner fees. This N10, 000.00 covers a member and his spouse (female please). I plead with you to start to plan for the Home Coming now. You are allowed to pay instalmentally. Kindly pay into our A/C No: 10102215457. Our Bankers remain Zenith Bank Plc. After payment, please call Mr. Bayo Bakare, the Treasurer on 08023138869 and report payment so that your payment will be properly captured. We need money to be paid in advance to enable us plan the event.


8.01. Please refer to my briefing on the above during my September briefing. You can find the briefing on paragraph 9.00 of my briefing dated September 14, 2016. By the Grace of God, this scheme will commence on the 1st of November 2016. You still have two weeks to join. Please do so.


9.01. Gentlemen, the 6th month of the BIFOBA CALENDAR is nearly over. Our calendar year runs from May to April. I can count on my finger tips how many members have paid their dues. No Association can survive without money. I beg of you to please pay your dues of N12, 000.00 only into our A/C with Zenith Bank A/c No: 1010228516. Upon payment, please inform the Treasurer, Mr. Bayo Bakare on 08023138869. Thank you.


10.01. Gentlemen, we are only just beginning to compile data of member’s month of birth. Please call us – 08023043967 (GP) 08025357550 (Mr. Lanre Hassan, (Welfare Officer) and confirm your birth month to enable us plan how to celebrate with you. Please do this for us. All members born in the month of November should please confirm to us accordingly at least a week before the General Meeting.

11.00. DVD OF HOME-COMING 2016

11.01. The DVD for Home Coming 2016 is ready as promised. It costs N 500.00 each. It was on sale during the October meeting and will also be on sale during the November 2016 General Meeting. Try and get a copy for yourself and buy for your set members please.


12.01. In keeping with our promise, our next lecture will be on PROSTRATE. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PROSTRATE. Our Dear Professor, David Adewale Oke, Professor of Cardiology, Chief Medical Director of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, has graciously agreed to educate us on this very important health condition. Attend our next General Meeting and avail yourself of the opportunity to educate yourself. Please tell others. Meeting starts at 3.30 pm prompt. Please take notice that if you are 40 years and above, it is in your best interest to attend and listen to this lecture. The Holy Bible tells us that “People perish for lack of knowledge” come and acquire knowledge.


13.01. Our Home Coming for 2017 will hold on Saturday, April 29, 2017. The celebrating sets are 1977, 1987 and 1992. These sets would be celebrating their 40th, 30th and 25th years of leaving Birch Freeman High School. I encourage each set to start serious preparations as to how they would like to celebrate. I also hereby put all members on notice of the event to enable you to start saving your gate – fee. Don’t be caught unawares.


14.01. Please refer to my briefing in respect of the above as contained in my briefing of September 14, 2016. I am still waiting for response please. Thank you.


15.01. My dear brothers, once again. I thank you for sparing the time to read this briefing. To encourage me, please let me know that you at least received this mail. All set chairmen are to please forward the briefing to their members. Thank you and God bless you all. See you at the next General Meeting and please accept the compliments of my best regards. Remain blessed.

I remain,

Yours Global President

Barr Kingsley Essien

Bifoba President Periodic Briefing – December 2016.

December 18, 2016


The Desk of the Global President

Barrister Kingsley Essien, GP, MGA.

To: All Members of BIFOBA


Fellow Old Boys.

Compliment of the season. On behalf of the Exco National, I wish all of you the most pleasant Christmas ever and a very prosperous new year 2017.

This is my briefing to you on the activities of our Association from the 29th of November 2016 to December 19, 2016.

As usual, please do me a favour. If you are lucky to receive this briefing, please forward same to your set members or other Bifoba members whose e –mail addresses you may have access to. Please spread the Gospel of BIFOBA. Thank you.


1.01.    Our compulsory monthly executive meeting took place on Thursday, December 8, 2016 while the compulsory General Meeting also took place as usual on Sunday, December 11, 2016. I seize this opportunity to thank all Exco members and all members who found time despite their very busy schedule to attend those meetings. I also use this opportunity to greet all members whose Birthday fell into the month of December. On behalf of all our members worldwide, I wish you once again, a very happy birthday. Those of you who attended the General Meeting will recall that we provided a cake to celebrate the occasion. We will continue to celebrate members birthdays monthly. We, however, encourage members to also reciprocate by attending at least the General Meetings of the month that their birthdays fall. You may also call Lanre the welfare officer on 0802537550 to find out the modalities for hosting.


2.01. Dear fellow old boys, In my November briefing, I informed you that we were making progress. I am very happy to inform you that the progress and success story continues. Our North American Chapter brothers answered our call to service. They took up the fixing of all the four swing doors on the back side of the Auditorium facing the entrance. Please see paragraph 3.00 of my November briefing. Your Exco was able to work out something which enabled us to take care of all the four doors, and all the windows. As I write to you, all the windows and all the doors on that side of the Auditorium are fixed and the beauty of your Auditorium is beginning to really show.

2.02. Wait for it! Another miracle. The left side of the Auditorium with ten windows and one swing door are being fixed. Thanks to 1982 Set. Thank you guys. God bless you all.

2.03. Fixing of the Round office at the Mushin end of the school has been taken up by the 1983 Set. Work will soon start. Gentlemen, little by little, our Auditorium is taking shape. Please join me to thank the 1972 Set, North American Chapter, 1982 Set and 1983 Set. God bless you all for heeding my call.

2.04. Round office at the Akobi Crescent side of the school compound is now begging for attention. I call on any Set that is touched to please call me on 08023043967 and let us talk.

2.05. TOILET. Our toilet is in a complete state of disrepair. I have directed that a comprehensive cost of total rehabilitation be made available to me. However, I call on any set/person who may wish to take up this important part of our Auditorium to please call me on 08023043967 and let us talk. God bless you as you call. I will post the quotation for all of us to see.

3.00. MINI STADIUM    

3.01. The 1992 Set is on top of the game with our mini stadium. They have assured me that the stadium will be ready for commissioning during the Home Coming 2017 – April 29, 2017. I don’t want to say more about this project. You only need to attend the Founders day on February 6, 2017 to behold the progress of this project. Thank you 1992 set.

4.00. FOUNDERS DAY 2017

4.01. My briefing in respect of the above dated November 28, 2016 refers. I now call on all endowees and gift donors to please get in touch with me or the welfare officer or the VP school- Arc Ladi Lewis  – 08034706278 or the Publicity Secretary – Mr. Olise Nwachukwu on 08023469613, 08096603333. Please also watch out for information on our Global Platform and other set Platforms and our web site.

5.00 HOME-COMING 2017

5.01. I hereby encourage Sets to organise themselves to pay for tables so as to enable them sit together. I hereby remind you that the date is Saturday April 29, 2017. Dinner fee is N10, 000.00. per couple. This fee covers each old boy and his spouse. A table for 10 will sit five (5) old boys and their five (5) wives. If we have a set that will have up to twenty (20) members in attendance, it means that that set will need a table for forty (40)ie 20 boys and 20 wives. A table for 10 is N100, 000.00. Table for 40 will be N400, 000.00. Please gather your Sets together and start to pay now. Next year’s Home Coming will be organized on Set bases. Please spread this news and start to work on it.

5.02. CELEBRATING SETS–The celebrating sets are = 1977–(40yrs), 1987-(30yrs) and 1992- (25yrs). Unfortunately, it is only the 1992 Set that is in touch with Exco and that is working towards what they intend to show case come April 29, 2017. I don’t know what 1977 and 1987 Sets intend to do. I however advise that they please as a matter of urgency start holding their meetings and then get in touch with the V.P School, Arc Ladi Lewis on the phone number I gave earlier.


6.01. By popular demand and pleading, we have decided to extend the date of commencement of this policy to February 2017 General Meeting. You are hereby advised to take advantage of this extension to pay your N10, 000.00 into our Zenith Bank Plc A/C No. 1010228516. Please pay in your name and scan your teller to This new date will not be extended. Please take note.

7.00. BLAZER

7.01. I have received a lot of calls in respect of the above subject. Let me assure all members who have paid N40, 000.00 and sent their correct jacket sizes that by the Grace of God, you would have your blazers before the Home Coming 2017.


8.01. Recall that we plan to give two teachers, laptops, two teachers, Tablets and two teachers I phones during the Founders Day celebration which comes up on February 6, 2017. In my November briefing, I called for sponsorship. I have not received any response as I write this briefing. I hereby repeat my plea for sponsorship of these items. Please, if the spirit moves you, do call me or Olise or Lanre or Ladi Lewis. Our phone numbers are in the earlier paragraphs of this briefing. Please, let us appreciate these teachers.Thank you.


9.01. It is eight (8) months into the 2017/17 BIFOBA year, yet most of us have not paid our dues. Now I ask you, how do you expect exco to run the affairs of your Association? Once again I plead with you to please pay your dues of N12, 000.00 only to our account with Zenith Bank Plc A/C No. 1010228516 and please confirm payment to the treasurer, Mr. Bayo Bakare on phone No. 08023177876 or e-mail-


10.01. My dear brothers, we must thank God for the journey this far. The challenge has been enormous. However, because we were trained for duty and for God, HE has not deserted us. I pray that we will all witness the end of the year 2016 and see many more years in good health and that BIFOBA will continue to grow from strength to strength.


Yours Sincerely

 Barr. Kingsley Essien, MGA

Global President


1997 Set: First Reunion Get-together

1997 Set Elected Executives During the Set First Reunion

1997 set organised its first reunion on the 22nd of January 2017. The occasion was graced by BIFOBA Global President, Barr. Kingsley Essien, BIFOBA National Publicity Secretary, Olise-Emeka Nwachukwu, BIFOBA Assistant National General Secretary, Rasaq Sanusi, Mrs. Mojirade Babatunde, Principal Birch Freeman High School, and two former teachers of the school: Mr. Ajayi (Mathematics) and Mrs. Odor Idalu-Josephe (English Teacher).  

It was an exciting evening as members of the set wined and dined and shared memories of their days at Birch Freeman High School. The event reached its climax with the election of the Executive Committee Members conducted by Olise-Emeka Nwachukwu.

 The Elected Executives

  1. Qudus Bombata: Set Chairman
  2. Kayode Kalejaiye: Vice Chairman,
  3. Chidiebere Ohalete: Vice Chairman Diaspora
  4. Raji Babatunde: Gen Secretary
  5. Kayode Adeboye: Assistant General Secretary
  6. Femi Odeyemi: Treasurer
  7. Aneidi Samson Akpan: Financial Secretary
  8. Obadina Olamilekan: Welfare1
  9. Babajide Makinde: Welfare 2
  10. Ayo Munis Moses: Publicity and Social Secretary

The Executive Committee members were inaugurated by BIFOBA Global President, Barr. Kingsley Essien.

A Speech Delivered by the Guest Speaker, Ms. Oluwayemisi Omowo, During BFHS’ 57th Founders’ Day Anniversary



By: Mrs. Oluwayemisi Omowo

A Good morning to:

Our Special Guest of Honour: The Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Dr. (Mrs.) Idiat Oluranti Adebule ably represented by the Permanent Secretary Lagos State Ministry of Education

The Global President, BIFOBA: Barr. Kingsley Essien

The Past Global President, BIFOBA:  Feyi Dinyo

The 1st Vice President, BIFOBA: Arc. Ladipo Lewis

The 2nd Vice President, BIFOBA: Mr. Frederick Dada Ajaikhile

All Old Boys’ present at this occasion

All Past Principals of the school present

The Principal Senior School: Mrs. M. Babatunde

The Principal Junior School: Mrs. Oresanwo

All Our Esteemed Teachers

All Our Wonderful Parents

All Students present.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I will like to start by acknowledging the “I am that I am”, the Almighty God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ who made it possible for me and indeed all of us to be part of today’s 57th Founders’ Day Celebration of February 6th 2017. Truly, God’s mercies endure forever and are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.

I feel greatly honoured to be called upon to give a talk here today. Asking me to give a talk on “GETTING THE BEST OUT OF STUDENTS: MY EXPERIENCE” implies that my former students who made the request are telling me that I had by my actions, inactions and attitudes helped them be at their best and this is very encouraging because while they were my students, my middle name was “wicked”. “Wicked” because I insisted on students doing the right things at the right time and flagrant disobedience would not go unpunished. I am glad I did not relent doing what I knew was good and right in those days.

Before I go further, I would like to pay tribute to three great men who have distinguished themselves in life and have influenced my actions and attitudes very greatly:

  1. Jesus Christ who became my Lord and personal Savior at an early age of 13 years and has been responsible for sharpening my thoughts and behavior since then.
  1. Mr. Titus Olatawura Ogundahunsi of blessed memory – my father who showed me love and demonstrated that he believed in me in my early years. He was my idol until I met Jesus Christ.
  1. Dr. ‘Funso Omowo, my darling husband without whose help I would not have performed well in all the schools where I taught. He has been a great support, encourager and leader. He willingly served the children and I all the years I couldn’t drive; and I cannot recall Him ever putting me under stress till date. May God continue to bless him greatly. Amen.

Why be a Teacher?

As a young lady of 19 years of age, I taught in a private nursery/primary school somewhere in Ikeja. There I observed the neglect suffered by children of career women and so I decided to read education so I can have plenty of time for my home, because I wanted to raise God-fearing children. As I started teaching, I looked around and I discovered that children of committed teachers never languished; “he that waters will be watered” according to the Bible.

During NYSC, I realized that to get the best out of my students, I had to spend time with them and for them in preparing my notes, make sure they were well taught in class so I would not become jittery during their exams. The student who is able to stand tall and compete favourably with his/her peers in academics, comportment and mannerism is definitely doing well. Today, I have no regret and I feel fulfilled.


  1. 1.      Let God help you make decisions:

From experience, I know that we need God’s guidance as we take decisions that involve the lives and affect the future of children. There are many straight-forward situations and there will also be knotty situations and because we are limited in knowledge, we may not be able to make the best decisions always.

  1. 2.     Know your subject matter and do your work well:

Prepare very well for each lesson. There is no substitute for lesson preparation. Put in place everything that will make your work easy. I had to study hard, use between five and seven textbooks and refer to other authors.

Be passionate about passing the knowledge across:

Good preparation will aid class control. Give your students good foundations in your subjects. Note that mediocrity is not a virtue but a vice in the community of achievers. Excellence is the word to watch out for because competition is great. I hope we know that average is an enemy.

I usually gave a lot of assignments in Geography so that when a student did all my homework by himself, he was sure to pass the WAEC exam. I also did not tell them when the next class test would take place but I told them to expect a test once a topic is concluded. We usually did so many tests during the term. I equally found out that if a child is guided and given the right atmosphere, he/she will not fail exams. The solution to failure in examinations is hard work and not cheating. The student who cheats or is helped to cheat to pass exams is being ruined gradually. Invigilate exams very well. Once the students are well taught and they can read and work through past questions, there may be no need for lesson teacher at home or elsewhere. To read hard is stressful but it is worth it.

  1. 3.     Comport yourself before the students in order to earn their respect:

Do not ask students for favours. Do not cheat them or exploit them. Be a man/woman of integrity before God. Do not be indifferent to students’ misbehaviour and never engage in physical combat with students.

  1. 4.     Be disciplined – have self-control:

Do not do things impulsively. Always do things that need to be done even if you do not feel like doing them. Please do not punish students for personal reasons, gain or revenge. Punishment should be meted out whenever school rules are flouted. Refrain from negative discussion about students in the staff room. Get to know what is right and do it even if you are the only one who sees it. Also, note that you do not need students’ endorsement to do the things that are right.

  1. 5.     Be truthful and sincere:

When I started teaching, I learnt that ‘order’ in a community is paramount for its smooth running. So, where I saw disorder, I tried to enforce discipline within the limits of my power and authority. My sphere of influence expanded with time. I, usually, told the students that rules were to be kept so that the school could run well. Students who came across me had to button their shirts and tuck in, put on only brown sandals; enter my geography class before me. Food vendors must not sell food before break time etc. Where there were offences, they were dealt with on the spot. Discuss your challenges with colleagues with a view to finding solutions, not with a view to accuse or fault others.

  1. 6.     Treat the students like your siblings or your children:
  1. Be responsive: as much as I like to be firm and tough, I try to be sensitive to their feelings and needs e.g. when a big boy sheds tears because of two strokes of cane, I realize that there is more to it than meets the eyes. I stop and investigate. Do not humiliate a student in front of his peers. Do not do things that amount to child abuse. Try not to compare a student in a belittling manner.
  1. Be friendly: Every teacher should be a parent and a counselor because every student needs guidance. Most teenagers do things they feel like doing not necessarily what they are sure is right.
  1. Everyone responds positively to love. Love is not pampering/indulging a child or looking the other way when he has done a wrong thing or being permissive. The home situation of a child may affect the child’s output and disposition, so whatever comes to your notice, deal with it in the fear of God. Go the extra mile; go out of your way. Find time to talk and discuss outside the class work; tell them, educate them about real life situations. Tell them the truth about life if you know it. Encourage them to have the fear of God in their lives.

Where opportuned, help them overcome hatred, unforgiveness, malice and other negative emotions. Please, do not betray their confidence. Do not refer to their weakness when they annoy or offend you. Some teenagers have inferiority complex and need to have their self-esteem propped up or restored. Some are unstable and find it difficult to trust anyone especially if not treated fairly at home. Every teenager wants to be reckoned with; he wants to impress his peers. You may need a “conference time” to resolve issues in the class or school. Let the students talk with you.

You may need to explain your actions to him/her/them and may need to help him/her/them see how and why he/she/they are wrong. When you are wrong, either they know or not, do not hesitate to apologize. Take note of small details. A student may be physically present but absent minded. If you do not look at them when teaching, you will not know.

  1. 7.     Be strict, firm and fair:

I try to follow issues to logical conclusions. Avoid preferential treatment; “what is good for the goose is good for the gander.” Be strict, get things done properly, this means that you too must obey rules set by higher authorities. I used the cane freely as I did for my biological children but I varied the punishments. When they know that you follow-through every situation to a logical conclusion, they will be careful to do the right thing in your presence. Even though they felt I was wicked, when they wanted fair judgment, they looked for me.

As you insist on doing the right things, you will step on toes but be sure God is on your side (if you are doing the right thing with the fear of God; God’s protection is sure over you). Throughout my journey as a class/subject teacher, Vice Principal and Principal, God protected me from being harmed physically. I can attest to the fact that God’s protection is real. Surely, I got a lot of threat letters, warnings and car vandalizations but no bodily harm.


My experience in Birch Freeman High School (BFHS) was very significant; I came in as a classroom teacher on grade level 8 and left on grade level 15 as Vice Principal having spent 14 years in the school. When I came in 1982, I was skinny and we had big boys in schools, I had not been too enthusiastic about deployment to an all-boys school. Since I believed that my steps were ordered by God, I took courage because we had heard stories about boys beating up difficult teachers. As a teacher, I observed that students who did well were those who were interested in their work. I remember some would always wait after school in the Physics or Chemistry laboratory to read and discuss.

Mr. Bright would wait behind to teach them Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Mathematics at no extra cost. When Mr. Bright left and Mr. Ochem came, he too was encouraged to groom our boys. Those boys were interested and took part in Science competitions where they defeated Kings’ College boys many times.

In Science Competitions: we were well known in Hembridge studies and the Jet/Young scientists’ competition. Those students put in good efforts despite the lowly home background of some of them. Notwithstanding, I recall the case of a boy whose father dropped him at about 7.30 am at the Surulere gate and he would walk through and go out at the Mushin gate and come back to enter the school a few minutes after 2 pm. to go back home with his peers. Another came to school with a small bag which contained some pieces of frozen fish and would walk past the school gate to meet his friends with whom he went to fry and eat the fish.

In BFHS, we had a good cross-section of the society and all were exposed to the same learning conditions. Those who were interested in their studies always succeeded; those who were not interested dropped either along the way or in their penultimate years. Your interest in your studies as a student is crucial, make up your mind to read and excel. I could also tell the stories of some of them who made efforts to excel. After closure from school at 2 p.m., one boy would report in his mother’s shop to work with her till about 4.30 pm, he would thereafter withdraw to a corner piece with his books. Another boy closed from school, found something to eat, played basketball for about 30 minutes and at about 4 pm would go back to the class to read when other students would have gone home. He never failed one subject. A student once told me that if his exam script was marked by anybody anywhere, even on the moon, he would score nothing less than 70%.

I want all you students here to examine yourselves. Are you interested in coming out in flying colours or you are reading just to please your parents? Why are you in school? What do you want to do with your life? You are the only one who can stop your progress. My advice to you is “read as if you will die if you do not read but you know you will not die”. Those who want to impress their friends or who want to sound tough do not go far because only empty vessels make plenty of noise. Once there is a will, there will always be a way. You may have to read a topic two or three or four times for you to score 80% even though your friend needs to read only once to score 80% – know your capability and act accordingly.

I found the following instructions useful in helping students to read:

(a) Daily, read through topics taught that day. Pick your timetable and read the last topics taught in the subjects you have the following day

(b) Do homework and assignments fully or in part depending on deadline.

(c) At weekends, read all topics taught during that week

(d) Conclude home-works and assignments; read again the last topics taught in subjects for Monday.

(e) No television till holiday time. After all, it worked for my own children; it will work for you also. I told every student who cared to listen.

Let the fear of God have a place in your life. It is only God who cannot let you down, so get to know Him and allow Him rule your life. Humility is essential for every human being, no matter your level of intelligence or how rich your parents are, you will do well to be humble. Remember, pride goes before a fall and God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.


To the glory of God, he gave me the privilege to raise four children. My husband and I were to be held responsible and accountable for them. By God’s grace, we have been able to nurture and train them giving them legacies that cannot be taken from them. It is not about money. It is about being available for them and doing the right thing at the right time.

Dear parents, you have great duties toward your children. As long as God did not cleave or open the sky to drop these boys, you are accountable and responsible for them. The word for you is MONITOR. Monitor your children at school, at home, in the church or mosque, in the community and on the playground. You are responsible. Please be available, be accessible, be friendly and be principled. Do not spoil your child, make them sit down and read. Hard work does not kill. Education is always a springboard to achieving great things in life.

Finally, I would like to say that the school is a work place where I think things should be done officially and so words like mummy, mama, daddy, uncle, aunty etc should be discouraged. I would rather be greeted by students like this – “Good morning Mrs. Omowo” and I think this will go a long way in getting things done properly.

In my teaching career, I had tried to treat students either as my siblings or my children and I can tell you with all sense of responsibility that God has been my helper and sustainer. There had been difficult times but I had never been discouraged doing this job because I meet with students from time to time who say we now know better, you were not “wicked”.

I cannot end this presentation without paying tribute to my late mother; Mrs. M.Y. Ogundahunsi, a primary school teacher who single-handedly raised me and my siblings after the demise of my dad when I was 14 years old. I am the eldest amongst my siblings. She made sure that we had a good education despite her poverty. May she continue to rest in peace with Master Jesus.

I, also, thank all my Principals who tutored me on the job. Notable amongst them are Mrs. C. O. Odutola of blessed memory, Mrs. A. Adegbite, Ms. Adetoro Karunwi and Mrs. S. Sanmabo. May the Good Lord grant that you continue to receive the fruit of your labour. Amen

Thank you all for listening.

Mrs. Oluwayemisi Omowo.                                                         6th February 2017

February 2017 Briefing of BIFOBA President

Thursday, February 23, 2017



Barrister Kingsley Essien, GP, MGA



My Dear Fellow Old Boys,

May the peace of the Lord continue to be with you.

I am delighted to write to you once again. I pray that this briefing meets all of you in good and perfect health. Please do me a favour. As soon as you receive this briefing, kindly forward same to other Old Boys till it gets to all Old Boys globally. Thank you.


Gentlemen, this month the 6th to be specific, we celebrated our Alma Mater’s 57th Birthday. The event was a huge success. First of all, the ceremony took place inside our Auditorium with all the doors and windows in place. Entertainment was supplied by our students using the musical instruments supplied by us – The North American Chapter.

The preacher was one of us, Major General Paul Toun (Rtd) 1972 set.

The Guest Speaker was one of our former teachers, Mrs. Oluwayemisi Omowo who rose to become one of our Vice Principals. Call it self sufficiency if you like, but I call it the special Grace of God.

The event was well attended. I use this opportunity to thank all of you who found time to attend and remained with us from the beginning to the end. I specially thank Major General Paul Toun for accepting to deliver the Homily and for all his encouragements. Her Excellency the Deputy Governor of Lagos State and Commissioner for Education was ably represented by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education – Mr. Adesina Odeyemi who was amazed at the level of our commitment to our Alma Mater and wished he was one of us.

Our brothers in the UK also celebrated the event in a fantastic way. They had a thanksgiving service in a church owned and presided over by one of our own – Rev. Olu Adams who also preached the Homily. Rev. Olu Adams is of the 1971 set. I want to use this medium to thank the UK Chapter Exco for the very wonderful way they celebrated the Founder’s Day. More grease to your elbows. I advise that all Chapters should in the future celebrate our Founders Day – 6th February. 


2.01. Gentlemen, I urge you to please continue to pray for our 1992 set for God to grant them the ability to deliver on their promise to get our mini stadium ready for commissioning on the 29th of April 2017.

2.02.  I am particularly impressed by the devotion, determination and the sacrifice of the 1992 set and I pray everyday that God in his infinite mercy should make our dreams to come true through the instrumentality of the 1992 set. Amen. 


3.01. I am pleased to inform you that we were able to reward and appreciate our teachers and non-teaching staff during the Founder’s Day. We did that to encourage them to continue with the good work that led to our Alma Mater scoring 100% in their final school certificate examination. I can safely report that they are very pleased with us. Please permit me to use this opportunity to thank all our Old Boys who made it possible for us to fulfil our plans. God bless you all.


4.01. Gentlemen, let me thank one of us. Theo Odunlami who singly sponsored our borehole. The borehole is meant to supply water to our toilet that serves the Auditorium. The truth, however, is that we still have a lot to do to bring our toilet up to standard and ready for our Home Coming. We have a quotation for N600, 000.00 to take care of this project. I hereby appeal for sponsorship. Please call me on 08023043967 or 07080378023. Thank you.


5.01. Gentlemen, when we have a toilet in a marshy area, we must have a cess pool. If we do not, there will be no where to channel the waste. In our case, we have a toilet. We cannot run away from a cess pool where we have to channel the waste from the toilet. We have a quotation for

N650, 000.00 Exco believe sincerely that in view of the traffic we are likely to have during the Home Coming, we should tackle these two projects and complete them before the 29th of April 2017. Please discuss these two projects at your meetings and help make them a reality. Thank you.


6.01. Please refer to my earlier briefing in respect of the above. The date remains Saturday, April 29, 2017. Dinner/gate fee remains N10, 000.00 per couple. A table for 10 i.e. five Old Boys and their spouses cost N100, 000.00. This year’s Home Coming will be Set based. Please get your Sets together and pay in bulk to purchase your tables. I urge you to please pay now to enable the Home Coming Committee, to plan ahead. Please spread the news. Pay into our Zenith Bank Plc A/C No. 1010228516.   


7.01. The celebrating sets are 1977 (40years) 1987 (30years) and 1992 (25years). I call on 1977 and 1987 sets to put themselves together and be prepared for 29th April 2017.


8.01. Gentlemen of BIFOBA in Nigeria, Let me be frank with you. Our attitude to payment of dues is very sad and embarrassing. As I write, I am not sure that up to ten members have paid their dues for this Exco year. It is by the special Grace of God that we have been carrying out the little activities that we report. You will agree with me that without money, your good ideas remain in your head. I hereby plead with you to come to our rescue by paying your dues. Please pay to our Account with Zenith Bank Plc A/C No. 1010228516 and please pay in your name. Dues is N10, 000.00 per Exco year which runs from the 1st of May to the 30th of April of the next year.


9.01. I encourage strong set base. If we have strong sets, that will help Exco. Sets will be able to plan together, and carry out projects that will benefit the Association. Sets will be able to collect dues on behalf of the National Body and remit same. Set meetings should not only be a forum to wine and dine. Rather, Sets should complement the National body just like the chapters are doing. Please think about this and help to move our Association forward.


10.01. You still have the opportunity to partake of this policy. Please pay your premium into our Account with Zenith Bank Plc A/C No. 1010228516 and call me to confirm payment. Please pay in your name. Premium is N10, 000.00.

 11.00. BLAZER

11.01. We are still working on this issue and by the Grace of God. Our Blazers would be ready before the Home Coming. Please pray for us.


12.01. My dear brothers, once again, we thank God for making it possible for us to enter the year 2017. I pray that all of us will see the end of this year in good health and happiness. We have been able to achieve quite a lot because of our unity of purpose. I pray that we remain united because together we serve better and achieve more. Thank you for the confidence you continue to repose in me and my Exco. God bless you all. Amen.

Yours Sincerely,



Barr Kingsley Essien, MGA

Global President


Lagos State Government, Educational District VI, Gives Merit Awards To Birch Freeman and the School Principal

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, Lagos State Government, Educational District VI of Ikeja, Mushin and Oshodi-Isolo zone, recognized Birch Freeman High School (BFHS) Senior School as the 3rd best school in District VI, while Mrs. Mojirade Babatunde, the school principal, was awarded a Certificate of Merit as the 2nd best principal of the District.

With this award as one of the pinnacles of her illustrious, successful public career, Mrs. Babatunde retired from public service in July 2017, and, of course, as the head of Birch Freeman High School, Senior School. The retirement ceremony took place in the School Hall at 10:00 am on Thursday, July 13, 2017.


Photo: Thank you for your illustrious service Mrs. Mojirade Fasilat Babatunde

With supports of old boys both at home and abroad, Mrs. Babatunde improved remarkably the educational standard of Birch Freeman High School during her short tenure as the senior school principal. Last year, 2016, with her leadership, Birch Freeman final-year students recorded 100% WAEC exam success; this colossus academic accomplishment for BFHS is a testimony to Mrs. Mojirade Babatunde’s remarkable leadership in transforming BFHS into truly one of the Ivy League schools in Nigeria.

Fellow Old Boys (home and abroad), please, join BIFOBA Exco in congratulating Mrs. Mojirade Babatubde for a job well done.

She has indeed done us proud.  

Olise-Emeka Nwachukwu

BIFOBA  Publicity Secretary